Movin' on up

I've never had the best, newest cell phone. It always worked and did what I needed it to. I was fine with that. I'm not sure why but a few months back Jaime and I discussed getting me a new phone when my current cell phone contract was up so I could switch carriers. We said we'd wait until the new iphone came out.
Soo, about a week ago Apple announced it's iphone 4S was going to be released October 14th.
Jaime, the wonderful tech savy man he is, preordered one for me and it was delivered to my door on October 14th. Let me tell you,
it's Ah-mah-zing!
I can ask my phone a question and it'll answer. This new feature is called Siri. I asked it to find an italian restaurant and it talks to me and tells me it's located ones near and listed them by rating. How awesome is that!
I can talk to it and tell it to schedule an appointment and it'll do it! If I schedule something else and it happens to be at the same time as another appointment it'll tell me so. It'll tell me of reminders that I tell it to remind me at a certain time and date.
This is totally what I need. I have this bad habit of double booking things. Even play dates! So I feel like I'm always canceling and rescheduling things. I'm hoping that Siri will help me stay on track now. I'm excited to say I've moved up in the tech world and finally got a "smart phone" and it literally is very smart!

Thanks Jaime! You really know how to spoil me.


  1. That's awesome! My contract is up too and Manuel talked about getting me the same phone. Glad you got one so I know what to expect!!


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