Moments like these...

We went to the Country Merchantile the other day just for fun. And it really was! The kids had a blast. They were all so happy, even Tyler who sat in the stroller the majority of the time. I loved seeing their excitement in everything.

Tyler seemed to like the animals in the petting zoo but was also grossed out.
He kept saying eeww!

If you know Aidan you know he loves bunnies. He's majorly attached to his stuffed bunny that he "adopted" from Olivia since he saw it when he was a baby.

Santa's reindeer??

Aidan loves airplanes and this was his favorite part.
He and Olivia were so cute "flying" up there.
Aidan flew on it twice. Each time he picked the white airplane.
I don't know why but that's the one he liked best.

The maze.
The girls were so fast going through I couldn't capture them in photo.
Olivia had just been there a few days earlier with her school class so it was cake for her to get though.
Aidan was able to make it out all on his own too. He didn't want help from us.

Lindsey's favorite part was climbing up again and again to the top of the straw pyramid.
Once she climbed up and raised her hands and jumped like Rocky.
Wish I got that on camera!

Aahh the train ride. Wasn't the most thrilling thing we did but Tyler was able to actually participate in this without being in his stroller.

My sweet pumpkin heads.;)

The only sad part of the evening was when Olivia realized she lost her wallet. (There was no money in it.) She scaled the place looking for it. I smiled when Lindsey said, "I'm sure someone would find it and turn it in." I admired her for her positive attitude but didn't think it was likely.
Just before heading to the car Jaime said I should go ask so Olivia and I did.
Wouldn't you know, someone did find it and turn it in at the register.
Lindsey totally showed me that we need to have faith in all things.
Even something so small as someone turning in a kid's play wallet. :)

After we left we went for dinner at DQ. We RARELY take our kids out for dinner because they don't eat whatever they order. It's literally a waste of money. Not this night. They all ate well.
Tyler was a total ham the whole dinner. I wish I got a photo of him during it but I didn't think of it while I was laughing so much.

It's days/evenings like this that I truly enjoy being a mom and fall in love with my kids all over again. Of course, having them all say thanks and that they love me as I'm tucking them in at night has a great pull in that area as well. :)


  1. Those moments are priceless, and I'm so glad you wrote it down. Kids are THE greatest treasures. You hit alot more than we did when we went there, what fun! We also only had a 45 min time limit... we had no idea it was going to be that decked out in festivities :)

  2. Maybrie and I loved looking at all the pictures. It was great to see you last week, though I wish we could have visited longer. We sure love and miss you guys!


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