Happy Halloweeeeen! (2011)

We seemed to celebrate this Halloween season a bit longer than we usually do. We made some fun Halloween treats Monday for FHE. The following day we delivered them to friends. It was good to drive around and chat and say hello to friends.

Even Aidan was in on it.  He kept saying he was "a big helper." It's so cute to see how he's getting to where he always wants to help whatever I'm doing.

Mini witches hats

They were easy, fun, and cute!

The girls' school didn't do individual class parties. Instead they had a whole school Halloween activity Friday night.

Ariel, Repunzel, Batman
Saturday was our ward Halloween party. They had games and prizes throughout different rooms in the church, chili cook-off, treats, pumpkin decorating, "Monster Mash" dancing, and even a "spook alley" in the theme of Alice in Wonderland. (Yeah I can see how that'd be a spooky theme. :) The kids had a great time.

On Halloween the kids were ready to go trick or treating. We've never actually gone door to door trick or treating before. It was always just the ward Trunk or Treat and then drive to certain family and friends' houses for trick or treating. So this was a new experience for our kids. Even Tyler was totally up for it. On Saturday he wasn't so sure about his cowboy hat and sheriff's badge. Tonight he didn't want to let them go. He was so cute to always say "thank you" whenever someone handed him candy. (It's good to know that I am able to teach good manners and it gets through to my kids!)

Check out the loot!


  1. Haha, awesome! I love the witch hat cookies! What fun, you're kids look so cute :)... I love Halloween posts so I can see what everyone else dressed up as ;)

  2. How fun! The witch hat cookies are so cute. The kids had fun eh!!

  3. Wow you did have a lot of activities this Halloween. So fun! I'm sure your children really enjoyed it. They all look very adorable, as usual. The witches hats look fun and easy, oh and yummy! Can't wait to read about the rest of your holiday adventures.


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