Mr. Mischievous

Tyler, Tyler. Talk about a boy on the run. This little guy is so stinkin' cute it's hard to be upset with him for long. He's such a busy body. Into one thing and then another. I've seen kids like to play with pots and pans but Tyler really enjoys them. He gets mine out on a regular basis. If I'm in the kitchen cooking he'll happily get out the other pans and hand them to me telling me welcome as he hands them or carefully slides them onto the counter top.

Tyler likes to get into my drawer of toiletries in the bathroom. He absolutely LOVES to pull out the deoderant and smell it and say, "Mmmm, good!" He really likes to smell things. My goodness he could spend a while in the candle aisle at the store just smelling every single candle. The boy can talk more than I knew. He'll just say a new word and I won't even know where he learned it and had know idea he could say it.

Tyler is really in to cars characters from the movie Cars and Cars 2. Especially the semi Mack. Every semi Tyler sees on the road he says in a deep, gruff voice, "Matt!" Yes Matt, even though the trucks name is Mack. Tyler likes trains. He plays with his train sets daily. It's cute to hear him say, "Choo choo bean" for choo choo train.

Tyler is by far my biggest cuddler. He'll drag his special blanket around with him and just drop to the floor to lay on it and cuddle it. He likes to cuddle with me too. He loves to give hugs. He'll come up to me for me to hold and hug him. I love it. Tyler likes to give kisses too. And not those slobbery, open mouth ones that most toddlers will give. He actually puckers his lips and smacks a big kiss and generally on the lips. If you don't want one on the lips and try to get him to kiss your cheek (like if he has a cold) then he'll keep puckering and try back and forth to give you a kiss. He'll eventually give up and settle for the cheek but it's the sweetest thing.

It's so nice that now Tyler will tell me, most of the time, when he's ready for his nap. He'll go climb in bed and I just kiss him and leave the room. He crashes in an instant. Tyler has the best laugh. Very contagious. I love his smile and little dimple. He always looks like he has some mischievous thought on his mind....hmmm, what can I get in to next to drive mom crazy! I swear he does it on purpose. But I adore him anyway. Besides, we need to have insane stories to tell others what our kids do to drive us mad! Like spilling a bottle of deep red nail polish on my new bedroom carpet! (I did get it completely out by the way. Thank you, thank you!) To be blessed with my three first children was wonderful, to be sent a surprise child is truly a miracle. The Lord knew we needed Tyler here. Our family is perfect with him. I can't imagine life without his sweet arms around my neck, his little head resting on my shoulder and those wonderful lips puckering to give me sweet kisses of love.


  1. Oh my goodness, he's so adorable! Reminds me a lot of Noah and his mischievous ways.


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