How could I get so lucky?

Jaime is awesome. In every way. He's a great husband, father, friend. He's so helpful to me. He helps with the kids whenever he can. I appreciate that he wants to help me and do things for me. I love him so much and I tell him all the time. Sometimes I think I can't say it enough to truly let him know how much I really do love him. Sometimes just saying 'I love you.' doesn't seem to be enough. There are times I can be driving or even cooking dinner and my mind will just turn to him. I'll think how much I love and need him and what would I ever do if something happened that he wasn't here. I will actually tear up and feel so sad at the thought of him not being with me. I miss him whenever he's gone. I can hardly wait for him to come home. I've heard of women saying they are glad when their husbands go back to work after being home for a while, whether it's the weekend or time off work, and I just can't imagine feeling that way. I remember when we were dating and I could hardly wait to see him or hear him on the phone. I feel the same way today! He occupies my thoughts way more than he knows. Yes I can be taking care of other things at the same time but I'll still just have thoughts of him. I love him as much as I did when we first were married and even more! I love the way he treats and cares for me. He'll let me do anything I want! I don't think he's ever told me no when I've wanted something. He's lucky I'm not a credit card junkie and rack up the debt! I guess he knows that so he's ok with me buying things here and there. Sometimes I'll be looking at something to buy and he'll tell me to get it. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't simply because I decide it's not something I really need to buy at that moment.

I'm so lucky and blessed to be married to this wonderful man. It's a blessing to be able to be married and I'm grateful he was able to take me to the temple. I love that we'll be together forever. Having Jaime and our four wonderful children makes life so perfect with our not-so-perfect days and moments. :) I was told in a blessing to me that I'd have so much in my life and it really is that way for me. How I was blessed with so much is beyond me. I know many more who deserve it more but believe me, I don't take it for granted. I thank my Heavenly Father often for these 5 great, enormous blessings that he has given me.


  1. What a sweet husband you got. Btw, who did your pics for ya, they turned out great?

  2. You seriously have such a Sweet family! And I believe one of the reason's Jaime is so good to you, is because he feels the same way and feels JUST as lucky! I love how you guys have such a sweet relationship. Keep it going! :)

  3. Lisa, Is there any possibility that this post has anything to do with your plans for the after Thanksgiving day sale? Now just so I can help Jaime out. Is he supposed to be getting you something this Friday?(let me know so we can wait in the line together.) or are you preparing him for the few little things that you do decide to buy? Hope you guys have a great Holiday. We are looking forward to the 16th.

  4. What a sweet post! I loved this one. I'm the same way, I would much rather Adam be here with me than anywhere else. You two are a very adorable couple that have been blessed with 4 adorable children. Glad you are so happy.


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