A special Guy in my life

Aidan is a sweetheart. He's outgrown his incessant need to get into EVERYTHING and now likes to let me know when Tyler is doing something he shouldn't. Aidan has such a tender heart. He hates getting in trouble. If grandpa just says, "no Aidan." Aidan starts to cry. Just out of the blue Aidan will say, "I love you Mom." The other day I was taking him to his room for his nap and he said "I love you so much!" it melts my heart whenever he tells me. I can be helping him do something and he will tell me he loves me.

Aidan loves to watch tv and can work all the electronics to be able to watch what he wants. It's convenient for me sometimes...other times...I wish he wouldn't think he can/needs to watch something just because he knows how. Aidan likes to help do things and likes to be told he's a big helper. He'll remind me that he is a big helper if I don't say so when we're working.

Aidan has a routine for bed time, whether it's for a nap or at night. He always says, "Sing to me, lay down me." He likes me to lay on his bed and sing the same three songs every time he gets in bed. At least it's three songs now. It used to be just one, Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam. Now I get to sing Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam, I Am Like a Star, and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. In THAT order every time. Don't ask me what it is with the celestial themed songs. He just likes suns and stars I guess. :) As I lay with him singing he'll rub his hand across my cheek, sometimes give me a kiss, hold my hand or have me run my hand through his hair. It's a sweet special time that I get to have with him twice a day. Aidan is so dear to me. He has such a good heart and does want to do good. It's hard to believe after so much he has gotten into in such a short time of his life! I know he's going to be a great guy when he gets older. I love him so much!


  1. What a handsome little man he is turning into. I can't believe how big he is now.


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