Big Surprise!!!

So after Elizabeth's reception we all pitched in to help clean up. Jaime was great to come back and help clean up after he took the kids to his parents to put them to bed. 
(However, it turns out there were ulterior motives! Keep reading.)It was New Year's Eve and we had no plans other than heading back home and going to bed as we were all tired.

Jaime hadn't seen Lori's new apartment so we went to go see that and visit for a bit. After we left Jaime asked if I was hungry but I wasn't too bad and said just go home.
He decided to stop at Bob's Burgers and Brew. 
I asked, "What time are your parents expecting us to get back there to the kids? It's late." 
It was already 9:45. 
Jaime said, "They won't be expecting us." As he pulls out...
Yep, this guy had this all planned out. We didn't go out for our anniversary and we didn't have a New Year's party planned so he booked an anniversary date for us after all. 
We had some good dinner and a sweet anniversary get away.
This was a total shockingly, big surprise to me. I had no clue.
So much for me thinking I could plan something good for our 10th anniversary! He may  have me beat.
Thanks Jaime! I love you so much!

The next morning we SLEPT IN and had a wonderful breakfast at our hotel.
We went and visited Jaime's parents and got the kids.
Being that my parents live so close to Jaime's we went to see them and my relatives that happened to still be there from Elizabeth's wedding.
Lindsey and Olivia played the entire time with my cousin's kids, Rylee and Madison. Tyler was exhausted and slept almost the entire time and Aidan was so tired that he sat in Grandma's lap for a good time. It was a good evening to spend with family. I loved it.

Aidan and Grandma Marcia

He's so adorable. I love that my kids like to cuddle.
Notice his favorite bunny. He totes that everywhere he can.

Jaime had to wake Tyler so he'd be able to sleep later that night. He wasn't ready to wake up, can you tell? Aidan wanted to cuddle with Daddy like Tyler. I think Jaime enjoyed the special time with his boys.
It was a wonderful New Year's Eve-Day.
I'm happy to now be able to say it's Twenty-twelve. Much easier to say than Two thousand eleven.
Happy New Year everyone. I hope you have a good one.


  1. What an awesome hubby!!! I'm glad you guys were able to enjoy the New years with all that was happening :)


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