Nothing but ICE!

Crazy kids don't care how cold it is. They have to play outside if there's white stuff on the ground. Only now it's not snow. It's solid ice. Jaime had to break up the ice on the driveway just to shovel it off. It was cute to watch Aidan and Tyler take one step and fall it was so slick.

I love how bundled up they look.

Tyler was so stoked to go out.

Here Aidan was walking to stand by Lindsey and down he went. 
Always a good sport about it however.

I could just watch Tyler walk around all day...if it wasn't so cold. :)

Kids went to attempt sledding on the "hills" at the church behind our house. They'll have fun.


  1. They all look so cute bundled up. It sure would have been fun to be there with them. Looks like more snow tomorrow!


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