It's A Blizzard Out There!

The kids were so excited to wake up to snow...lots of it!

Aidan could hardly wait to go out in it.  
Look at his picture in the column on the left. That's Aidan in last year's big snow. I think he'll always like the snow.

Lindsey had a 2 hour school delay and it was Olivia's Wednesday off since we have half day kinder and Wednesdays are early release so only P.M. Kinder classes attended today.

Anyway, Olivia had a dentist appointment so we had to wait until almost 2 before we could go out in the mess. It was fun to watch the kids tromp through the snow that went up to their knees. I shoveled the driveway and watched them play. Why is it that kids have to play on the snow you're trying to shovel or throw snow back on the driveway? It was fun to listen to their imaginative play around me.

After they were cold to the bone THEN they decide to come inside. Aidan wanted a bath to warm up in and Olivia and the girls across the street came in for hot cocoa with marshmallows and then played games until it was time for dinner.

I like the snow when we get to stay home and not worry about driving. Good thing tomorrow our schools have already announced they're closed!!:) I think we'll be outside playing again.

Happy Snow-day!


  1. So fun! I wish we were there so Maybrie could have playmates out in the snow. I haven't taken her out yet and it is dark by the time Brian gets home. Also, it won't stop snowing, and I don't know if the freezing rain today would be a good idea!


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