
Saturday December 31st was my sister Elizabeth's wedding. Her and Jon Robbins were married in the Columbia River Temple. They look so happy together! 
The sealing was absolutely beautiful! 

Here Elizabeth is about to throw her bouquet! 

Summer, Lisa, Lori, and Maybrie
It's too bad we didn't get a picture with my oldest sister Emily and all the other little girls who wore matching dresses. It was a crazy day for kids so Emily left to put her kids into bed. Jaime took our kids to Zillah and met his parents who took our kids to their house and put them to bed. Jaime came back to the church to help us clean up after the reception. (Told you I married a great guy!)

Congratulations Jon and Elizabeth! I wish nothing but happiness for you together!


  1. okay so my post would just say ditto to yours! I even have one less picture to post!


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