The first turns 8!

Lindsey's birthday fell on a Sunday this year. March 18th. So she decided she wanted a Mother/Daughter day out on St. Patrick's day. On Saturday I took both Olivia and Lindsey out for their birthdays. We went shopping to Lindsey's favorite stores, Justice and Barnes and Noble. Then a few others in the mall like Old Navy and Journey's to pick out a few things.

Lindsey picked Famous Dave's for Lunch.

This girl loves her meat. :)

I was shocked when Liv decided to try a rib. 
She liked it if it didn't have too much sauce on it.

After lunch Olivia wanted to go to Target. The girls picked Gak out for a fun activity/toy.
They've really enjoyed it.

I thought I was going to regret buying something that could potentially be messy 
and stain but they are so good at always putting it away out of the boys reach when
they're done. :)

On Sunday Lindsey had a meeting after church to meet her new Activity Day leader. Lindsey will have so much fun and get to know so many girls. It's great because she can just walk to the church behind us on Wednesdays!

After we got home we got food out and prepped for our family birthday gathering.
Lindsey, just so you know how blessed you are to have so many family members near by to celebrate your birth, here's the list (because I doubt it'll happen very often)
Great-grandpa Noble
Great-grandma Noble
Grandpa Naylor
Grandma Marcia Naylor
Aunt Elizabeth
Uncle Jon
Aunt Lori
Uncle Brian
Aunt Summer
Cousin Maybrie
Cousin Thomas
Aunt Mel
Grandpa Morales
Grandma Morales
Aunt Bel
"Uncle" Chris
Elizabeth (Chris's niece)
Uncle Marcus
Miranda (Marcus' friend)
Yep 24...just for you Linds.

We had a great dinner of "Greens". Chicken broccoli casserole (Linds' fav), green salad, green lime 
jell-o, pasta salad,  and green & red grapes. There wasn't much left. It was great!

Here's what I caught on pics...

She's great on her rollerblades!

Cleo de Nile and Clawdeen Wolf to add to her Monster High Collection.

What girl doesn't like new clothes?
She even got a Justice gift card to buy some more.

Simple...purple frosting spray mist, zebra striped sugar sheets, Monster high photos. 
And I piped the black frosting.
Hey if I was great at cakes I'd be on Cake Boss. ;)

The boys favorite part of the day. They LOVE to sing Happy Birthday. 
(Actually Tyler was just singing it to me as he saw the photos of Lindsey's cake on here.)

Aaahhh Cake. White cake with butterscotch filling.
I guess Tyler likes the eating part a little better than the singing. 
This boy could eat cake all day!


  1. Happy birthday Lindsey! Glad your day was filled with joy!

  2. Happy birthday sweet Linds! I can't believe you're 8! Let me know when the baptism is, we so want to be there :)

  3. I can't believe Lindsey is so grown-up! It seems like just yesterday when I had her in nursery and we were singing her happy birthday for turning 3!! Where does the time go?


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