Trains, trains, and trains!

Having boys in our home definitely has brought in a different type of toy...trains.
Aidan started liking trains last year. He got his first wooden train set last year for Christmas and loved it. Then the boys started getting Thomas the train sets for birthdays and Christmas and JUST BECAUSE!:)

Aidan is so good at playing with the trains and keeping the tracks together. He does get frustrated when Tyler is playing and to get from one place to the other he crawls on the track making it come apart.

Tyler on the other hand, not only loves trains, but plays with them EVERY DAY. I'm not exaggerating. 
After every meal, after he's been washed up, he goes up to his room and pulls out the train sets.

Not only does he really enjoy playing with trains, he can play with them all by himself. He plays better by himself than any of my other kids. 
Here's the great part. Of all the trains we have Tyler knows all their names. I love to hear how he pronounces them. When he plays he makes the trains talk to each other too. The different stations that some of the trains came with he calls their "house." 

Now that we have so many trains and sets our whole family likes to put them all together and get down and play. Even Lindsey and Olivia have their own trains they have and want to add to their collection. Who would have thought that collecting toy trains would lead to family play time. :)


  1. So cute! Can't wait till Thomas starts collecting some!

  2. I seriously LOVE little boys! They just melt your heart. And it makes me laugh, because I could just imagine Aidan getting frustrated with Tyler because that's what Carson does when anyone messes with his toy masterpieces, ;)


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