What we've been up to the past month...

The last time my Aunt visited she brought the girls a few tutus and ballet skirts and accessories for my girls. They're adorable. The girls decided one afternoon to have a tea party and wear their tutus.

They're some of my favorite tutus I've seen!

One evening Lindsey started a "sumo/pillow" fight with the boys.
They get the biggest kick out of it.

Even Tyler can put up a good fight!

Dr. Seus' birthday was definitely a must for the schools to celebrate. :)

Lindsey received another award from school.

The award of "Fairness" way to go go Lindsey!

We've had some very cold windy days so I let the boys play in the garage.

Keeps them entertained for quite some time.

Tyler loves wearing his fireman hat.
While the kids haven't been able to play outside they've been good at being creative inside.

YEAH Sunshine! It only lasts for about a day before we have high winds, clouds, and rain.

We get out when we can before the sun is gone.

The other day we went to see Jaime's sister Bel at her new house in Oregon.
The boys LOVE their pit bulls. 

Aidan and Pansy. Sweet old dog.

Tyler and Pansy. He kept trying to mount her for a ride.
 She just had surgery so we had to keep him at her side only. :)

Aidan and Kesha. She's full of energy and playful.

We went to our Cub Scout's Pinewood Derby. The kids had so much fun getting cotton candy, popcorn, hotdogs, and nachos. Even Aidan and Tyler loved all the cars. Aidan was excited to see the cars race on the track. Something to look forward to in the next... 5 years! Wow time flies.


  1. So cute! It will be fun to see you guys again this weekend.

  2. How fun! I love seeing all the little things your kiddos are up too. We miss them and it's so good to see their smiling faces. So happy, and I love it!


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