Photo Booth

Tyler has always liked to look at himself making different faces in the mirror. I've caught him numerous times doing this in the past two years. I wonder if that's how he was able to express his feelings in words at such a young age. He could tell me if he was sad, happy, scared or mad. When he started telling me his feelings barely at toddler stage I was surprised. He had taken my phone a few days ago and hid with it. He started taking pictures of himself with different expressions on his face. There were WAAAYYY more shots than this on my phone but I wanted to share a few of them. Cracks me up!


  1. LOL! That's just plain awesome! Cami does the same thing, just halarious :)

  2. Hahahaha! That is too funny. Where do you think he gets it from. :)

  3. So cute! I love it! Guess he takes after you, huh Lis? ;)


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