Starting 2013

The first week of 2013 has been a good one for us. Slowly easing us in I suppose. Nothing too hectic or crazy. Just every day living at it's best! 

Tyler was given mostly Thomas the Train sets for Christmas.

Jaime helped set them all up together a couple days after Christmas. The kids loved it. We let them stay up the remainder of the Holiday Break.

We went to visit friends on Thursday the 3rd. Tyler and Carson are big super hero fans. 
Tyler says, "Hulk mash!"
Playing limbo
We had to cut the visit short when Aidan threw up a little bit. Poor kid slept most of the time on my lap. He kept telling me he was tired. And boy was he ever. We had so many late nights and so many fun, busy days  that he was so worn out. The rest of the kids weren't ready to leave. The dads and kids had just started a game of dodgeball at the church when I called Jaime to let him know Aidan needed to go home. We got home at 5:30, Aidan went straight to bed, slept till 8:30 and woke up as good as ever...and ready to EAT!

On Friday everyone pitched in to help clean the house. Jaime wanted to spend his last week day off with us together. So after we cleaned we went out to lunch and then went shopping. The girls used some Christmas money to buy a little something. I was given some boots for Christmas that weren't the size they were supposed to be. On the bottom there was a 5 1/2 sticker. The boots were just too big. I realized that under the sticker was a 6 imprinted on the sole. No wonder they were too big. Jaime sent them back and then bought me something else on this day for me. Sweetheart. :)

Waiting for lunch. The kids were getting along so well. 

The Tooth Fairy has been busy!
Olivia lost her first top front tooth Saturday night (the 5th).
I asked her if she wanted me to pull the other one out since it was more loose than the one she just lost. 
She said she wasn't ready to have two teeth missing. 
The very next day she came up to me and said she was ready to have it out. 
Ok, here we go! She numbed her gum with an ice cube, I used a tissue for some grip on her tooth and popped that puppy out. 
The best part...drinking through a straw in the tooth hole. 

Sundaes with Dad!

And scripture reading with dessert and Christmas stocking candy.

School started back up on the 7th. Due to freezing rain we had a two-hour delay that made Lindsey's day. She wasn't ready to go back to school because she had so much fun during her Holiday Break. After having one delay start the girls have been happy to go to school everyday!
We've gotten back into the normal hum drum of life now. Sounds good.


  1. It sounds like you had such a great holiday break. It was fun to see you for the short amount of time we did.


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