Bel's Wedding

On Saturday February 16, 2013 Bel married her best friend, Chris Digges.
They had a small wedding but it was so beautiful. Chris's mom did all the flowers/decorations. She did a great job. She made flowers for almost everyone there. 
Chris's brother, Charlie, has 4 kids and Bel's brother (Jaime) has 4 kids so they pretty much made up the wedding party. It was fun to see the little ones walking down the aisle. 

These cuties were in the wedding "party" and walked down the aisle. Well the oldest 3.

Here are niece Elizabeth and nephew Aidan 

Aidan took Elizabeth's hand all on his own. No one told him to. So sweet.

Bel and Chris Digges

 I did the girls hair myself!

Are you impressed? I am. 

Tyler slept in the car from Hermiston to Tri-cities on our way to the dinner.


Chris's sister made cute favor boxes with jelly beans for everyone.

Aunt Marcie did the cakes.


I'm so happy for them and wish them nothing but the best!


  1. The kids looked So cute. I loved the girls' hair. It was very pretty. The decorations were very beautiful. Looks like they all had fun.

  2. The girls hair is so cute! I'm totally impressed :)


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