Happy Birthday Olivia

Dear Olivia,
I can't believe seven years have gone by! I still remember my chubby dimpled sweetheart. The baby who saved some of her best smiles for Grandpa Naylor. Olivia, even though you have grown so much you're still a little girl and you love little girl things still. I love that about you. You're not in any hurry to grow up. That's great! Keep enjoying childhood and make believe the way you do. You love to play with toys whether it be Barbies, princesses, Monster High, house, restaurant, safari, explorers or whatever else your imagination comes up with. 

Your ultimate, most favorite thing in the world is STUFFED ANIMALS! You can't seem to get enough of them. You always want more. Whenever I see a cute stuffed animal I think of you and how you would love it if I bought it for you. More often than not I think how there are too many in our house and I don't buy very many. :) It must be because you love to cuddle.  Your bed is half stuffing because you sleep with so many.

Your favorite meal is breakfast. I am grateful that you are beginning to branch out and try different foods more often. You're not as picky of an eater, but still picky. :) You've picked up reading and sounding out words. You enjoy reading now as before it was just homework you felt you had to do. I like to see and hear you read books to your brothers. You're a great big sister. You like to "mother hen" a lot and make sure they're ok if they're crying or you're good at letting me know if they're doing something they shouldn't be. 

You enjoy coloring and playing with friends. If you could play with friends all day long, every day you would. You and Lindsey are good friends. I like to see you two hole up in one of your bedrooms and play together for hours. You're such good friends that you play together at recess! I hope that your friendship and love for one another will only grow. 

Olivia, you have a very special spirit housed inside your adorable body. You have a sincere desire to try and read the scriptures and say your prayers. You enjoy primary and absolutely love your primary teacher, Sister Barrow, and classmates. I pray that you will always want to be this happy and will live so that you are always happy by making good choices. 

You light up the room when you bounce into it my dear. You lit up my life when you entered it. I love you, Olivia. Happy Birthday.

I sent cupcakes to school for her class then after school I let Olivia have some of the neighbor kids come over and play for the afternoon. They spent most of their time blowing up balloons for me for Olivia's birthday. Then Olivia and Emily brought out the music and had a "dance." They had a lot of fun. It was cute to see their "moves."

Aidan and Tyler like to rub balloons on their head and then stick them to the walls.

It's pretty easy set up for decorating for a party!

The usual...waffles for her birthday dinner.


We let her open the gifts from Lindsey and Jaime and I on her birthday. The rest of the family will be coming for her party on Saturday.

Toaster (a nice wooden set)

Mixer and cookie set (This girl has said many times that she wants to be a baker when she grows up.)

 She's been wanting a running jacket like this for a long time...

it has the thumb holes in the cuffs like mine. :)

She has been asking for one of these for months...

a Fijit friend.


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