I love my boys

Tyler loves suckers.

Tyler likes to make his bed himself. He lays each blanket so he can see each one rather than one on top of the other. Whenever he makes it he calls to me, "Mom, I made my bed by myself!"
Me, "Oh good! Thank you!"
"Are you happy Mom?" 
I definitely am happy when he likes to be helpful. Too cute.

The last few days I've been making extra effort to spend time with them
Like hair cuts during a movie; playing duck, duck, goose; having crackers and frosting,

cutting out sports balls on the Cricut (Aidan calls it the caterpillar) with these cute guys.
They get so happy and run to hang their artwork on their walls.
P.S. Aidan still carries his bunny around with him everywhere. He's still a baby to me.
Tyler has actually come up to cuddle with me a bit more and I've thoroughly enjoyed it. 
He even climbed in bed with me to take a nap one afternoon. 
He's still my baby. :)


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