Life Today

We always seem to get busier when it gets warmer outside. It seems there are more errands to run, more activities, more get togethers, more work around the house. It makes my days go really fast but I've actually enjoyed it all!

We've been gardening
My Tomatoes have blossoms already, beans look great, cucumbers, and my peas have finally sprouted. We also decided to try are very excited about that!
My lil helpers through it all. 

The new library by us just opened a few weeks ago. I was so excited to have one so close.
I take the boys to story time. I wasn't sure Tyler would sit for it but he does! They do songs and activities and it keeps Tyler engaged. 

The boys enjoy getting their books and reading them over and over. I like having different stories to read to them too. My favorite is when Aidan reads the stories to Tyler. 

Going to the temple. Look how excited Tyler is!

It is a good feeling being there with my kids.

I went to one of Lindsey's Activity Day events. It was a special one to recognize the girls accomplishments and to recognize their mom's. All the girls got up and sang a song to their moms. 
They're such special girls. I like watching them interact.

Olivia's Young Author's day at school :)

I had the Christensen kids while their mom was out of town. 
We made it extra fun with popcorn and a movie...

Water fun with the sprinkler and slip 'n slide and sno cones...

They're such good friends

And even had pizza for dinner and let them eat outside so they could still play!

It's been a good week! I like feeling productive and happy. 


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