Something New

My kids tend to be leery about trying something new. Lindsey was older than most kids when she let us take the training wheels off her bike and now the same with Olivia. She's 7 and still using training wheels. Well last week she was riding her bike and she had me listen. She could ride it and the training wheels weren't even touching the ground! So on Friday I took the training wheels off while she was at school. It wasn't until Monday that she decided to ride her bike. Sort of.
Jaime was in charge of activity for FHE. After the lesson he said we should go out and get Olivia riding her bike. She was VERY hesitant and against it. When bed time was mentioned she decided it was okay to go try it. So I go outside with her, she hops on her bike. I hold on to the back of the seat as she climbs on and she rode off! No holding the seat as she struggles to balance, just off on her own in one second. Yep, those training wheels needed to go a long time ago! Now she's been riding her bike every day as we go to the park .

Tyler was very unhappy chasing Aidan who stole Tyler's trike. But Olivia and Aidan look like they're having fun!

And she's off! 


  1. Go LIV!!! It's so exciting when they can take off on their own :)


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