The Past Week...

This past week has been a pretty laid back one. I've been getting things done on my own schedule...whenever I feel like it. Haha!
Took the boys to the library, I've been making time (a.k.a. not working) to read a book for my own enjoyment, planted some flowers, made a few trips to the park with the kids, done a bit of shopping (grocery shopping at Winco is a lot of work with just me and the boys and I really have to gear up for it.), and I have been playing Sorry and Hi Ho Cherry O with Aidan quite a bit. So I have been busy just not with the normal stuff that keeps me busy on a daily basis. 

I love browsing Costco with Jaime and my kids in the evening of a week day. It's not very crowded then. If there's a fun movie on the TVs we like to stop and watch a little. We stopped to watch a bit of the Avenger's in 3D...hence Aidan's glasses. :)

I spent a day at Mom's with the boys. It was fun to be there with her and visit and do stuff like we used to do all the time when I lived closer. I had fun with my Grandparents too. Grandma likes to play games with us. 

I also got to have lunch and visit with my friend Corinne and her kids. Good times. I love seeing old friends...not that you're old Corinne. :)

The boys had a hard time staying away from my mom's pool. They finally got the point that if they wanted to be outside they had to stay on the deck. 
Look at them just sitting there watching the pool vac! So CUTE!

They can hardly wait to get in to the pool this summer. It was just too cold this time.

My knight in shining armor.

I was able to go to the school for Muffins With Mom and the book fair.
It's not really a muffin though. You get half a donut. Maple bar for me please! I'd rather have the maple bar anyway...and I guess it's nice they give us half since it's not a healthy snack. :)

Came across this. Perfect!

Forts, simple pleasures. Throw in every stuffed animal they have inside and they keep busy for hours!
Only 14 school days left! Yep, we're all counting. I love summer time!


  1. Can't wait till we can just hang out! Looks like you have been having fun! -Brian

  2. I love Hi Ho Cherry O! It was one of my favorite games as a kid. Glad that the game is still around. Where did you get that shirt?

    1. I didn't actually buy the shirt. That's a picture of one I saw online. :)

  3. I love the shirt...I have seen that before. All of us girls need one of those shirts. :)

  4. Oh I LOVE those kind of days :)... and yes... you should totally get that shirt!

  5. It was so great to see you guys too! We need to get together again soon!! BTW, did you see a shirt for not so short people?


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