Aidan's birthday

Where has the time gone. Aidan has grown up so much. He's such a good kid. It's hard to believe he was such a mischievous little toddler. Now he's a sweet, caring, cuddle bug. I never get tired of him coming up and giving me hugs and kisses. He and Tyler are working at being gentlemen. They like to hold doors open for me and their sisters. I love to watch Aidan play or do anything for that matter. Look at that face!! Sweetness. 

On Saturday August 30th we had Jaime's family over for a little celebration with DQ ice cream cake. 

I love i t when they play so well together. 

Wednesday September 3rd Aidan turns 6. He asked for oatmeal and toast for his birthday breakfast. He was excited to open a card that came in the mail from Brother and Sister Flory. That's where he got the origami dinosaurs. I'm not sure they know how much Aidan likes dinosaurs but the card was perfect for him. 

Cupcakes with Tyler and Ren. Bowser from Super Mario is Aidan's favorite character so I put little pics of Bowser on the cupcakes. That night we let Aidan pick where he wanted to go for his birthday dinner. McDonald's of course. However, he calls it Ol' McDonalds. :)

After dinner and a bit of shopping we took the kids to see the cable bridge lit up teal for ovarian cancer awareness. Then we drove over it. :) The little things that can make my kids happy actually make me happy too. It was a small celebration with our small family for his birthday but we loved it. 
Happy Birthday to the sweetest kid I know. 


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