End of Summer Days

We spent a week at my mom's. It was full of games, swimming, relaxing, and visiting, and good food with my parents, grandparents, and cousin Jessica and her daughter Jazz. 
Tyler playing Sorry with Great grandma. 
These girls have so much fun together. They just disappear and play all day!

I like being able to swim or lay out in the sun and not have to be right next to my boys in the pool now. They can touch and have picked up swimming really well. Even Aidan likes going under water now. All four of my kids are little fish. It's great!

One day we had to get everyone out of the pool quick as we saw this windy dust storm coming! Talk about a mess. It was the fastest we'd ever been able to get the kids out of the pool though!

Aidan and Tyler helped clean up tree branches after the storm. 

They liked working with Grandpa. 

Cousin fun in the pool. They'd stay in the pool all day and night if they could. 

My boys and animals. Tyler asks me for a pet. Uummmm...no. 

One morning we cuddled in bed together. I seriously love my boys so much. They are so different but both so lovable and cuddly with me. Love it!!!

One evening we celebrated Uncle Jesse and Aunt Christina's 50th wedding anniversary. Lindsey was pampered and loved on by Jaime's cousin Margie. She worked in Lindsey's kindergarten class and they formed a special bond. Margie still says that's the best class she's ever worked with. She likes to take Lindsey out for fun days. 
Aidan was so excited to show everyone. I love his expression as he's telling where he found his little green friend. 

Harvesting our own onions 


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