Lots to be Thankful for!!

We celebrated Thanksgiving at my parents house this year. My cousins Curt and Adam and their families came also. It made for a very cheerful house. The kids enjoyed playing with their cousins. I love it when my kids can make friends quickly and play well together for so long. I enjoyed seeing Curt again. It'd been a few years since I saw him last. We were at BYUI together which was a lot of fun. He's had a little spot in my heart for many years. I enjoyed getting to know his wife Jen better and catching up as well. And of course seeing their adorable kids. Last time I saw them their 3rd was an infant so it was fun to see how they've grown and also meet their youngest. Lindsey, Adallyn, and Colter. Two of Adam and Brandi's adorable kids. There were so many little ones it was hard not to go around kissing them all! Cousins with their great-grandparents Adams's crew of 6, Curt's crew of 6, and my crew of 6 went Black Friday shopping togethe...