Day 3: Universal Studios

Wednesday November 12th ~ Universal Studios

The first person we saw when we got out of the car was Mario Lopez filming an episode of Extra. I don't see many people on tv on a regular basis so I had to get a picture of the dimpled child actor from Saved By the Bell!

Diana loves the show I Love Lucy and was excited to get a picture with her. She was fun. 

We went to see the Minions. The kids took a picture with Kevin. And just to clear things up, these minions were live and walking around. Every character we saw was real, not just a statue. I was showing pictures to someone who thought these were all statues we were standing next to. They are not. They shook our hands and those who talk, talked to us. :)

Waiting in line for the Minion 3D ride. Universal's 3D rides are awesome. I'll never watch another at home 3D movie and feel the same. These put those at home systems to shame. LOL.

We went on the tour. This is in the actual tunnel where they filmed an earthquake. We saw the ground open up, trucks fall, fires, trucks crash, and a flood all while feeling the bus shake and lights flicker and go out. Tyler had a hard time understanding that it's all fake and how movies are made. 

JAWS!!! We saw him up close, but he moved too fast to get his autograph.

This is where Jaws was filmed and a little side note; Murder, She Wrote was filmed here as well!

I had to get a pic with the Apollo 13 crew! Ok, this was a card board stand up. Wish they were real!

A big highlight was seeing the Transformers. Megatron was actually pretty funny. Ranting and raving about how he's going to destroy the Autobots. Then he left and...

Optimus came out!!! He needed some young strong warriors. 

We were first in line. He asked what was on the back of the girls' heads. We had to explain the "ponytail" to him. :)

Marcus and Miranda

Tyler could hardly wait to see Bumblebee. He was playing on a playground when I told him it was about time for Bumblebee to come out so Tyler jumped off that playground and was all for running to see Bumblebee! Bumblebee talked to us by playing music through his radio. When the girls and I walked up to him he played "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun."

We went on the Transformer ride. I loved it! Again, another 3D ride. The car drove us around like we were inside a transformer fighting Megatron and Starscream. Felt so real. Even falling off a building towards the ground and then Bumblebee caught us. I felt myself bracing for a hit!

We went on the Jurassic Park ride. Jaime took this shot just after we came screaming down the hill getting wet. Can you tell we had a good time!

Bel got a good hug from Spongebob Squarepants. I'm not a big fan of him and my kids know it. It's rubbed off on them and they don't care for him or watch his cartoons either. So when we asked if they wanted a picture with Spongebob, Tyler was quick to say, "No, I don't like him."

He does take good pictures though! However it helps that I like the people he's with. :)

Tyler wouldn't stop hugging "Curious & George" (That's what he calls him) George was so soft we could hardly get Tyler to turn around for the camera. 

Scooby Doo!

I don't remember which movie this bike was on but the rider is adorable!

These girls were fun to watch as they interacted with Lindsey. This is one of my favorite pics. 

I liked Universal Studios better than I thought I would. I'd go again. 

Out shopping for more souvenirs. 

They got a hold of my camera. 

Everyone was really tired. Sleep came pretty easy. Olivia, her Build A Bear bear and Stitch. She picked him out of the Disney store because of how soft he was. She picked out a small pink leopard at Universal Studios. This girl left space in her suitcase to bring home stuffed animals. And boy did she! She brought 4 new ones home! She can never have enough. 


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