Day 6: San Diego Temple and the Pier

Saturday November 15 ~ San Diego Temple

One Sunday, when Jaime and I were fresh in our relationship, Jaime wrote me this little note and handed it to me with the picture of the temple. I've kept it in my scriptures ever since. 
From the beginning Jaime has said we will go there some day. Well, that day came a lot sooner than we ever thought it would. Thanks to Jaime's parents watching the kids, Jaime and I left the hotel early to make the drive to be at the temple for an 8:00 session. 

It's so beautiful! Staircase after staircase. When we walked in to the Celestial room the sun was streaming in through the windows making the room even brighter! 

I'm so blessed

After the temple we went back to the hotel to pack up. 

We went to visit the beach and the pier that is the longest one on the west coast. 

At the end of the pier is Ruby's Diner. It was lunch time so we decided to have lunch on the ocean. :)

We spent quite a bit of time out here. The weather was perfect and no one was ready to leave. We could have been more than happy to be able to spend another day or two. 

We missed having Bel and Chris. 

But it all had to come to an end some time. Back to the airport...

to wait. 

I enjoyed seeing Jaime be with his dad and brother. I love his family. I'm so grateful for this time we had to make such wonderful memories and spend time together. 

And the boys did a good job at waiting. We had enough electronic devices to hold new movies like Planes 2 and games to keep them engaged.

Aidan really liked looking at the emergency plan pamphlets on every plan. Others got a kick out of listening to him explain what we do if we land in water. He wasn't worried or afraid. He just wanted to be prepared. Future Eagle Scout?

We've been home almost a month now and the kids still talk about the trip. Even their grandparents talk about the NEXT time we go. ;) Everyone had so much fun. I think the trips when you aren't ready to go home yet are the best! And this was definitely one of them. 


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