Day 4: Lego Land

Thursday November 13 ~ Lego Land

Just hanging out with some Friends. 

We visited Washington D.C. Each of these buildings was made with hundreds of legos. It really is pretty miraculous. 

Yes, Darth is made of Legos

All Legos

Aidan's in paraidse

The Lego horses weren't really Legos. Lol

The rides at Lego Land are really geared towards kids. There weren't many people at the park so the kids were able to ride the rides quickly and on some, they didn't even have to get off to ride again! Wish Disneyland was like that. 

Liv and I riding a peddle car roller coaster type ride. 

These were pretty fun. We had to pull ourselves up using kid power!

Just cruising around town.

They received a driver's license after this…I think they need more practice though. :)

Yup, made of Legos


Excuse Tyler picking a wedgie but look how tall these Lego buildings are!


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