Day 2: California Adventure

Tuesday November 11th we went to California Adventure Land. I really loved it there. We stopped in Cars Land to visit Radiator Springs. I felt like I walked into the movie Cars! 

Season's Speedings!

Our first ride was on the Holstein Heifer Chewall. These tractors pulled you around in circles and figure 8s swinging the trailer you ride in out and about. Aidan laughed so hard through the entire thing. He rode on it twice. 

Mater all dressed for the holidays. It was fun to see the characters talking and driving along the streets of Radiator Springs. Even the newly paved road Lightning McQueen made was there! Seriously, the movie is brought to life. 

This picture is so fun and really depicts our family. A family who loves cars and loves movies and loves being together. ;)

I had to get a pic of Jaime with the white-walled tires in the showcase. 

We rode on Luigi's flying tires. These giant tires hovered over the ground and you had to lean in them to steer around and bump in to others. 

Aidan and Marcus

Grandpa and Grandma. We all had a good laugh rolling around, or should I say trying to roll around in these tires. 

We stopped for snacks at Flo's V8 cafe. 

and checked out the Hudson Hornet Piston Cup display

This picture is for my mom. Ursula is mom's favorite villian. We went on the Arial ride coasting on sea shells and basically watched the entire mermaid movie as we rode along. The puppets were so life like in their movements. Even Ursula's fat neck/chin wiggled when she talked!

I really was impressed with all of the theme rides. Even the Winnie the Pooh. I loved all the lights and characters and sounds. Guess I'm kind of juvenile in that. :)

Aidan wanted to ride on that giant ferris wheel soooo bad! He and Olivia rode on it in a swinging cart with Marcus and Miranda. 

Here they are swinging down as the wheel turns.

We went to see Woody and got his autograph too.

We went to a Bug's Land, made after the movie A Bug's Life. The best part about this place was the 3D movie we went to see. It felt so real complete with smelly stink bugs, bugs that spray, and bugs that poke. We were throughly surprised but loved it. 

Chris, Tyler, Bel, and Olivia waiting for the Monsters Inc. ride.

In the evening we went to see the Aladdin show. It was basically a shortened version of the movie. It was an hour long, the same but different too. The genie was hilarious and added some modern day jokes into the script. Jasmine and Aladdin flew up in the auditorium on a magic carpet. I was worried that the kids wouldn't be very interested in it since it was a play put on by people and not an animated movie. But they LOVED it! They laughed at the jokes and to this day they still quote some of the things the genie said. 
We spent the entire day at California Adventure. It was close to closing time and the kids were dragging and ready to go back to the hotel to go to bed. We did so much walking their poor feet were hurting. They were happy to sit on rides that were long and have the hour break watching Aladdin in a nice soft seat. :) 


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