Day 5: Sea World

Friday November 14 ~ Sea World!

This was a first for me. Palm trees can be ugly! I knew the palms would die and I just thought they'd fall off. Apparently they need to be cut off. The palm trees I've seen have been on resorts or on personal property where they're taken care of. I have a new perspective of these trees now. Anyway… on to

Sea World!

Martin and Diana

Marcus and Miranda
Bel and Chris left Thursday morning because Chris had to get back to work. :(

These little guppies would come and suck on your hand. It felt so weird. Tyler kept doing it over and over he thought it was so funny. 

Tyler's hand are up for some fun!

Sea World has 10 orca whales. I truly am amazed at these. They're so beautiful and fun to watch. See that one in the back? He's scratching his back.

The sea lion show was so funny. Quite the act. 

The dolphin show is quite the production. Music, dancing people, dancing dolphins, and exotic flying birds. I didn't want it to end!

In the shark tank tunnel

The Shamu show is also a big production but not quite the same as the dolphins. Trainers don't get in the water with them. 

These giants  also put out quite a splash. The first 16 rows just get dumped on of gallons and gallons of water! I got some pretty good video of them splashing the crowds. 

Flamingos really do stand on one leg and they bury their face under their feathers. How long can you stand on one foot?

Petting sharks. Tyler liked looking at the sharks, big and small, even the shark eggs. I'd never seen shark eggs before. Aidan kept calling this trip a field trip. Gotta hand it to him. It was very educational!


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