Memorial Day

We spent Memorial Day at Mom and Dad's with the rest of the family that lives near by for some swimming and a yummy barbecue. It wasn't too hot outside but the pool was about 84 degrees so mostly everyone got in the water for a swim. The kids couldn't tell if the water was cool. They were swimming and that's all that mattered. :) We also celebrated Uncle Tim's birthday since they were visiting. He needed a little help blowing out all the candles on his rice krispies watermelon cake. Aunt Mel made it for him. He likes Rice Krispies treats so she found an idea to make it look like a watermelon. So we had slices of watermelon that were made out of rice krispies for his birthday cake. Wow, sounds like quite the treat...watermelon, rice krispies, AND cake for dessert. I'm truly blessed to be in a wonderful country with men and women who have fought so tirelessly for our country. Happy Memorial Day and may we all remember ...