Nano de Mayo

At school Lindsey has been learning about nano technology and using the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). They use it to magnify things up to 7500 times. They sixth graders set up their presentations and invited parents and the rest of the school to their "Nano de Mayo" event to come see their work.

Lindsey was explaining to me and other adults what she had learned.

Then each group did a powerpoint presentation and talked about nano technology.

Lindsey kept telling me how nervous she was but when she was up there, she seemed like she was one of the few who knew what was going on. If someone seemed to not explain something well enough, Lindsey had no problem stepping in to clarify.

And she even threw in a little joke at the end that everyone laughed at! She gets that from her Dad. :) She did a terrific job. This girl loves science!


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