Serving Others

This Spring we've had many opportunities to do yard work for others in need for our FHE nights. We've been able to do each project with other families in the ward and that helps my kids enjoy the work they're doing because they're along side friends their age. It makes it more fun for the adults as well as we get to visit and work together.
Tonight we worked in the yard for Brother and Sister Sickles. He had shoulder surgery and she recently broke a rib. Brother Sickles was out directing what needed to be done. Mow the lawn, trim trees and hedges and pull weeds. I think he enjoyed seeing so many families out helping. It was fun to visit with him as well.

Jaime and others brought their power tools. They're pruning this tree that was growing through the fence. There was probably about 10 bushes that were pruned as well. Some were taller than Jaime and they needed to be pruned down to my height. 

A snake was found by someone. Tyler was so pleased with himself that he was able to hold it. 

I've appreciated these opportunities to do physical service for these members in our ward. I really hope my kids will learn to enjoy serving others and doing active work. They generally see me serving others by bringing a meal in. They're learning what other ways they can serve and help others by these projects we've helped with for others. 


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