Going to the Temple

Tuesday May 24th was Lindsey's first temple trip. I was able to go with her and the other youth of our ward. 

She was so excited to go! Jaime did the family history work and printed off the names of some of his relatives so their work could be done in the temple by the youth in our ward. One of those names was of his grandma Maria Sanchez Palacios. Lindsey was so excited to do the baptism for her great grandma. She was beaming with such good feelings as she came out to the font area all dressed in her white jumpsuit. 

Each youth was given about 10 names to do. When it was Lindsey's turn to go in the water Bishop Justin Christensen, who was putting each person's card up on the camera for the priesthood holder performing the baptisms to read the name, called Lindsey over to the table. He said that he gave her great grandma's name to someone else by mistake. Lindsey's name was even written on the card!! He told Lindsey she could go do the confirmation for her great grandma then come back and do other baptisms. She went off to the other room for the confirmation but when she came back and sat next to me she buried her face in my shoulder crying that she didn't get to be baptized in proxy for her Great-grandma Palacios. I did my best not to cry as well.
Lindsey said she doesn't really remember much about her great grandma so she was looking forward to doing something for her that they could share. Prior to the baptisms starting, President Johnson - temple president - came in to talk to the kids. He said that they probably weren't the only ones there. He said "You were at your own baptism, why then would these people not be able to come for their baptisms?" Lindsey understood more than I thought. She wanted to do this for her great-grandma while she was their to witness Lindsey do this for her. 

I told Jaime what happened. He was so hurt and upset that he messaged the bishop why and how did it happen. Bishop came over that night to apologize and said there was no explanation for his mistake. Jaime cried; he cried! He felt totally let down. For some reason this seems to stem from back when Jaime and Justin were younger and Justin wasn't always the nicest to Jaime. And now that he's our bishop somehow he seems to give us or our kids the shaft of some point. This felt like another drop in his bucket of unfriendliness towards us. I know bishop would say that's not true but it sure feels that way when you see him put forth the extra effort for his buddies or boating friends and can care less what he says or does when it comes to us. He wouldn't have let this happen to his buddy's kid! We try to brush it off and not hold grudges but this one really hurt. Jaime wanted to call my Dad about it in hopes that Dad would talk him down from his outrage and help him feel better. He didn't though and it turns out I'm glad he didn't. Later when we did tell my parents about it they seemed like it was trivial and said,  "Well, at least the work was done for her." Yes we understand that! And we're grateful it's been done. I know Grandma Palacios is grateful it's been done. This felt like when Jaime's cousin Adam passed away. Jaime was looking for sympathy from my parents when rather both times they said something that made his feelings seem wrong. They made him feel that hurt and sadness was the wrong thing to feel. That he shouldn't be upset. 

We've forgiven Bishop Christensen and know he's been called of God. We continue to sustain and support him. We just felt like Lindsey's first trip to the temple didn't get to be as good as it should have been. She shouldn't have cried tears of sadness in the temple. It is my prayer that when Lindsey gets to see her Great-grandma again she will be wrapped in a big hug and told that she was grateful Lindsey was there for her baptism. 


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