Marcus Graduates from Heritage University

He did it! Marcus graduated. He received his Bachelor's in Mathematics

Do you see him? :)

Tearful hugs. Bel and Marcus were so sweet as they cried and hugged. You can see her there on the left. It made everyone a bit teary too I think. Marcus wasn't sure Bel was going to be able to make it because she'd been so sick after her surgery. 

The kids were so excited for Marcus. They like the diploma cover. The boys were talking about how they want to get one. Good goal boys!

Everyone was there!!

After graduation we went to Zesta Cucina for dinner. We enjoyed delicious food and a fun time visiting. We're going to miss Marcus. He leaves in a few weeks for Chicago for the summer and then in August he leaves to New Mexico for his next adventure in college. He got a full ride scholarship, otherwise I don't think he'd go that far to school. He's smart to accept it though. He will have made it through 8 years of college without any student loans. All scholarship. How awesome is that. He's a smart kid. I'm excited to see where he going in life. 


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