Park Time

The kids had early release from school today. I just felt like getting them out and doing something fun with them so we went to the new park down the road from us. I took the Christensen kids and Emily Daw with us too. 

Tyler liked this memory and reactions electronic game. When a color lights up you have to touch that button and it makes a sound when you hit the right one then another light will light up. 

Daphne, Lindsey and Naomi atop the twirly ride. It was a feat for them to get up to the top. 

Daphne, Tyler, and Emily

Emily and Olivia
This infant swing is attached to a regular swing so the baby can swing with the other child or parent. Pretty cool idea!

These girls found different ways to utilize the swing for themselves. 

And the others jumped on for a fun swinging picture. 


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