Happy Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving Brian and his family were able to come now that they live in Oregon! With our family, Elizabeth's, Brian's, Mel and Tim, and Jon Juett's family we had quite the party. 

Before we could eat anything Dad was chomping at the bit to surprise my mo with something big. Brian had Emily on FaceTime and I had Darin on my phone with Skype. Mom had lost the large diamond in her wedding ring a few months ago. Dad took the ring and he and I went to a jewelry design store where Dad picked out a new wedding ring set for Mom. 

So he started with saying how he didn't propose "properly" or even have a ring when he asked her to marry him so this time he's doing it right. He got one one knee and asked Mom to marry him. 

She was so surprised and giddy to be given a new ring. 

It was so adorable! It was fun to have everything there to be a part of it. 

The new ring!

And then it was time to eat
The kids in the kitchen! 

We needed two tables in the dining room/living room. Yep, Lindsey has been bumped up to the living room seating. There were more kids in the kitchen that she needed to be moved. 

My snuggle time with Jocelyn. 

We had perfect Autumn weather. The kids enjoyed playing outside. 

We got some adults outside with the kids throwing frisbees around working off our thanksgiving feast.

I went out to play with the kids and these cuties ran up to me wanting pictures. Olivia took this picture. 

Maybrie took this one. 

Ezra and Henry are such cuties. I really am glad they're closer. Not that the drive to see them is short but it's not a long flight away!

Later in the evening everyone sits and visits in the living room. Henry and Ezra came around again for some time with me. :)

I think pictures like this are funny. Everyone one their devices. But they are interacting. Jaime is looking at something mom needs help with in deciding a Christmas gift for my dad, Brian is showing Aunt Mel something, and Summer is getting some Black Friday shopping done after I told her one of the sales was currently live and she didn't have to wait to go in store for it. We did get a lot of talking and laughing in as well. I really do love my family and am grateful they're around to celebrate with. 

The next day we went to lunch with Brian and Summer and did a bit of shopping at Costco with them before they took off for the weekend for their anniversary trip. 

While out shopping I needed to get Olivia some macarons from Artfetti. I told Olivia if she memorized all 13 Articles of Faith that would be her reward. So, she did it!

She loves her macarons! And i'll admit, these are pretty heavenly. They do a good job. 


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