Meridian Temple

 When it was first announced that the church would be building a temple in Meridian Idaho I told Jaime I wanted to take the kids to the open house...however long that would be. It turned out to be a few years but the day finally came when the temple was finished and it was open to the public to walk through and view the beauty in it. 
I love house massive and beefy it looks. There are a lot of stairs in it! The stair wells are pretty deep. 

My Aidan and Lindsey. These two are becoming more and more alike as they get older. 

Lindsey, Cami, Audrey

Alex, Olivia, Lindsey, Cami, Audrey
Aidan, Tyler, Carson, and Craig are behind the screen making scary noise. :) Boys

Pictures at the temple
We were able to work it out that we could see Andersons while we were there. As always, we feel it's been way too long since we saw each other. I still love how the kids can pick up and enjoy being together again as if they saw each other last week. Alex is getting bigger and he seemed a little awkward around Olivia at first. But once we were at the restaurant for dinner he seemed to relax a little and I could see he and Olivia were having a good time. Food has a way of doing that ;) Their little ones, Craig and Audrey don't know us. We really need to do better at seeing them or we will always be "some people my parents know" to them. So sad! 
The time with them was short lived but I'll take it anyway. :)

After dinner the kids could hardly wait to go swimming at the hotel. 

Aidan is like me, enjoys the warm water. He walked over to the pool, stuck his toe in, then walked over to the hot tub. :) 


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