Visiting Family

Saturday we went to Morales' to visit and see little Liandrew. When Marty got home from work he changed in to his toke emoji t-shirt that he was given for his birthday. Whenever he sends a text he always ends it with that emoji face. I had to get a picture of him with all 5 of his grandkids.
Olivia took a turn feeding Drew. 

Sunday was our monthly family dinner at Mom's. We were happy to be able to see another little baby. 

Jocelyn. Look at my pretty Lindsey! She's growing up so beautifully. 

Tyler and a friend from school, Zachary, are on this big kick of making comic books. It's a series called Worm War. He goes through paper, paper, and more paper drawing up these comics. Zachary is the author and Tyler is the illustrator. :) 


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