Beginnings of Christmas celebrations

We've started off the Christmas season right! Today we went to look at beautiful nativities and help bring in the Spirit of Christmas. My parents were working a shift at the church building the nativities were at filling dessert plates so it was fun for us to see them there. 

The boys' favorite nativity was the one they could touch. The nativity puzzle. 

Seeing all the nativities and pictures of Christ, the lights everywhere just brings such a peaceful feeling. My kids were well behaved, enjoyed the "scavenger hunt" looking for specific things about different nativities that were listed on a paper they were handed. 

We dressed up to be part of a nativity as well. :)
Just a few hours later we went to mom's for dinner, a Korean meal with bulgogi. After dinner we watched the Polar Express and had hot cocoa. 

Tyler loved the home made marshmallow topping that we put in our hot cocoa. 


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