Get Air Birthday

I let the kids have a big birthday party for their 8th birthday. Tyler asked to have a party at Get Air trampoline park. We planned it for Wednesday December 13th because the kids have half a day of school, Jaime was able to leave work a bit earlier so we could be at Get Air just after 5, and of course having a party during the week rather than the weekend was cheaper. :)There was a good turn out. Everyone he invited was able to come, plus two other siblings who joined when they came with Tyler's friends. Tyler knew them anyway and has played with them multiple times either at school or in the  neighborhood. 

We had pizza and cupcakes for everyone. 

Tyler loved every minute of his party. It was just what he wanted. Fun and active games, his friends, and cupcakes. This kid's favorite things. 

Lindsey and Olivia enjoyed the obstacle course. Flipping around and swinging. 

Lindsey's makeshift hammock. 

Everyone got in some good games of dodgeball. 

Tyler and Zachary playing basketball. The comic writing buddies. 

Aidan and John had fun in the foam pits. Building walls and throwing the blocks around or burying each other in them. 

Tyler had a great birthday. Every gift he received was spot on with his likes. He loves and was excited about each one. 

Twister was one of his gifts. The kids were excited to open it and play the next day after school. And as always, I get worried and stressed out if it'll be a good party but it turned out awesome and when it's all done I can let out a good sigh of relief and relax. Until the next event which is this weekend!


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