Tyler's Baptism

The day is finally here! Tyler has been eager to be baptized for months. He's told his teacher and friends about it at school. He is ready! And oh so handsome! My baby is not a baby. He is the last of my children to get baptized. It's a very odd feeling. Now we will be on to the next lasts. Graduations, missions, weddings....wow. 

Dressed in white ready to enter into the water. 

He had a wonderful baptism with many to come and show their love and support. His Grandpa Naylor spoke on baptism and a former primary teacher Sister Ardie Miller spoke on the Holy Ghost. 

After the baptism we invited others to come to the house for lunch, a taco bar and ice cream sundaes for dessert. 

Look at Tyler's face as he's reaching in to this bag. He was saying, I knew it! New scriptures!

He is so excited about this drone his Aunt Bel and Uncle Chris got him. 

He's been asking for this Xbox game so it's definitely a winner. 

Happy Birthday Tyler! He's still the most cuddly kid. He can't ever leave or go to bed without a hug and a kiss for me. He still has his special blanket he can't ever leave behind. He still has a knack for breaking things, he's got the loudest voice of all my kids, he still likes to play cars and trains although not as much as he used to, he's getting good at Spanish, enjoys school, not so much the reading and writing part. He was a quick addition to our family but he's blessed us with so much and I'm grateful he's mine. He can push my buttons but he can melt my heart just as well. 

After everyone left it was time to bust out the drone. 

Jaime was working on the basics of getting it going. Then he decided we needed more space. 

What's better than going to the school?!

We also took some time to play around. Throwing a football, Lindsey and I worked on some volleyball peppering, kids played four square, and other imaginative play. 

We finished the day with our daily scripture reading and doing the countdown to Christmas. Since it was Tyler's birthday he got to remove the tile on the countdown calendar.  He was excited to use his new scriptures. Our packed day began and ended on a spiritual note. What a way to celebrate a birthday. Happy birthday my baby. 


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