Ward Christmas Party

Angie asked me back in October if I'd help with the ward Christmas Party. Boy was I in for a big surprise! Not only does this girl have vision, she really pulls out the big guns when decorating and setting up a party for over 300 people. 

Angie is well organized which I love to work with people who are organized. She held a meeting with the 5 of us who would be working together. We were given assignments, told the theme, and how it was all going to work and how she envisioned it to go together. The theme was Who-ville from How the Grinch Stole Christmas. When Angie would be working on things like painting the houses or wrapping boxes for center pieces on tables she'd shoot out a message and those of us who could go over and help would. The day of our party our prep time was cut due to 11th ward being able to squeeze their ward party in the morning before ours, even though we had the building reserved for the entire day. We were pretty bummed about that. It meant we had short crunch time to get it all done. We went Friday afternoon to take our stuff and stash it away in a room up on the stage so it'd be there Saturday for quick access when it was time for us to set up. 
It turned out so cute! The tall arch is multiple pieces of card board that we connected with metal brads then nail gunned the sides to posts that are cemented in planter pots. It held real well! We worried it'd be too heavy and need to lean on the Christmas tree but it didn't. 

The Grinch in his corner with his softened and enlarged heart. 

We had a cocoa and cookie bar for dessert after the service project. 

Our crew
Aubrey, Angie, Becky, me, Julie

The theme. 

After decorating we had time to run home and change. When I got back to the church I found out that the sister who Angie asked to be in charge of the food hadn't asked anyone else to help her in the kitchen. The plan was to have people in the kitchen dish up the plates and the youth (who came early to eat) would serve the dished up plates to members already sitting at their tables. But this sister didn't get anyone to help her so that meant the 5 of us became the kitchen crew and had two assembly lines made from the 6 of us in the kitchen filling plates and letting the youth take them out. It was done in good time! We were able to quickly eat a little, not much, then have the short program. I helped start one of the songs so I wasn't able to finish my dinner. After the program and quick video everyone was dispersed into classrooms to wrap gifts that members from the ward purchased for 4 families from the domestic shelter and 8 widows/widowers from Meals on Wheels. Trees were purchased and decorated for the four families. 

While everyone was working on the wrapping and decorating our committee was in the gym clearing tables and moving chairs for the tree lighting. 

Some of the trees and gifts are done and brought in to the gym while others finished up the other trees and gift wrapping. 

We took a breather to get some pictures before too many started filing back in to the gym.

After everyone was back in the gym all the lights were turned off. Then the Christmas trees were lit. That's the only light we had on in the gym. The bishop talked about how even these small lights still make a difference and help brighten the room. That is what was done tonight. We were being lights to others by providing a small service that would probably be a big service in the eyes of those in need. 
The feeling was wonderful. The activity turned out great. 

Santa game for half an hour before the ward party for pictures with those who wanted them. 

Lindsey didn't make in to a picture this year. She was in the room next to the kitchen with the other youth eating their dinner before serving the rest of the ward their food. 

I was in the kitchen helping out when I heard that Santa was about done and would be leaving so we needed to get dinner plates put together for him and his two helpers so they'd have something to eat before they left. I took that as my opportunity to leave the kitchen. I helped fill the plates then went to go see Santa. He was just as happy to see me when I walked in. "Well Sister Morales! Come here and sit on my lap!" This year's Santa was Brother Bair. I've only known this man for less than a year but I knew immediately that I loved him. He's a big tall man with a gentle look about him. He reminds me a lot of Brother Couch. One of my favorite professors at BYUI who had a big impact on me and was a blessing during my time at school there. 

I make sure to talk to Brother and Sister Bair most Sundays when I see them at church. She's not too well so she doesn't come all the time or maybe just for Sacrament meeting. But she's my Visiting Teaching supervisor so I get to report my visits to her. I've been able to get to know her a bit just through visiting via text messaging every month. I've got a soft spot in my heart for this couple along with Brother and Sister Sickles and Brother and Sister Salsbury who I was very sad to have to say goodbye to when they passed away. I love the elderly in my ward and I'm grateful for the friendships I'm able to develop with them. 

This activity was a lot of work but the feeling of being part of something so big and successful was incredible. We have an amazing ward. The turnout and accomplishment of this activity was great. 


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