A Surprise Visit

Emily Daw surprised Olivia with a weekend visit. The Young Women of our ward had a weekend ski trip planned. Emily was able to go to it as well so she went to the church where the girls were supposed to meet. When Olivia got to the church she was shocked to hear Emily was there and they ran for each other and embraced in the sweetest hug. They were so happy they cried some happy tears. They were connected the entire weekend. 

They stayed Friday night at the Bishop's cabin for a young women sleep over. Turns out it rained all night so they were not able to go skiing/snowboarding because it was too slushy. Instead they spent Saturday at the cabin playing games, shooting, riding in the 4 wheeler.

It was enough of a crazy day that these two slept in the car on the way home. Of course, next to each other. I wish I could keep Emily!

We had Emily here Saturday night, all day Sunday and then she left Monday morning. 

Emily braided Lindsey and Olivia's hair together. I said it's the "Get along with your sister" braid. haha No fighting or your hair gets braided till you are happy with each other again. 

The goodbyes are the hardest. Breaks my heart seeing this. Olivia was so sad to see her go again. I'm grateful for technology that allows these two to text, make phone calls, and FaceTime each other. It's still not the same as being able to hang out after school, late nights, and messing around laughing till your stomach hurts but they're still able to be connected. 


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