Game Time!

We invited Jaime's family over for a nacho dinner and watching the Seahawks game. Most of the NFL games are on Sundays so we don't get to watch them play very often. That's why we like to 
make a family party of it when they play on Saturdays. 
Liandrew is a lot more engaging and knows the kids better. He lets Olivia and Lindsey hold him more. He's going to have some good cousin friends.

Everyone dressed up in their Seahawks attire. Except for Chris. He's a Raiders fan so he came sporting their gear. Which explains why he's not in the picture. He took the picture for us. hahaha

All 5 of the Morales grandkids. It's fun when I can look back and see my kids as little munchkins wearing their blue and green fan gear. And now they're so much older and bigger and still holding strong to supporting the Hawks. 

The cutest little Seahawks fan!


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