Cub Scout Pack Meeting

The first pack meeting of the year. The boys had a STEM project. They had 20 spaghetti noodles, some masking tape and a yard of string. They were to build as tall of a tower as they could with those three things to hold a marshmallow on top. There were four groups made of cub scouts and their parents. Aidan and I were in the same group as Dax Allred and Meredith Taylor. We put together a good tower! It was the first one up and done. Another group and three dads working hard to make theirs taller. It kept falling but just before time was up they got it to stay and it was the tallest. However, if the competition also included that the towers were to stand for a certain amount of time our tower would have won because the "dad tower" fell shortly after.  So Aidan and Dax were pretty pleased to know that they built a structurally sound tower that never fell. Way to go!


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