Supporting Marcus

The kids were gone for a few days at my parents house. It's still Christmas break so mom wanted to have them for a few days. Jaime and I enjoyed the relaxed time alone. While the kids were gone Jaime and I went to watch Marcus coach one of his freshman girls basketball games here in Pasco. They played Lindsey's school so it was fun to cheer for Chiawana and the girls we know from church as well as cheer for Marcus's team. It was a close game but Chiawana beat Grandview by two points. Free throws at the end of the game. But it was the closest game Chiawana has played so they were impressed with Marcus's team. Grandview was in the lead the entire game until literally the last minute! It made the evening more fun having a close exciting game to watch. 

While the kids stayed at Mom and Dad's, Dad took Lindsey and Aidan shooting. They're the only two of my kids who like to shoot. They both do pretty good. Dad let Lindsey try dad's new AR-15 he got for Christmas. She was pretty happy to use this one! She calls it a Bucky Barnes gun, the Winter Soldier from Captain America.


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