Wrapping Up the School Year


Aidan was given a geode from his teacher at church. Jaime helped him crack it open. 

Pretty purple sparkles inside!

Lindsey has made great friends this year in high school, especially the foreign exchange students. Lynn form Denmark and Dena from the Netherlands. Dena says she is Lindsey's Dutch twin. Blue eyes, skin tone, and blonde hair however, she towers over Lindsey in height. 
Lindsey is getting more independent all the time. When I drop her off for events and places with friends I still feel I need to linger to make sure she is alright. She assures me I don't need to and by the time she gets home she's bubbly with excitement over the fun she's had. She's loved her freshman year but I'm willing to bet she will love her next few years in high school as well. 

We went to Olivia's last concert of the year. She's loved being in the advance choir in middle school. 


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