Thanksgiving 2019

We spent Thanksgiving at my parents house this year. Emily and Elizabeth's families were also there. 

Nothing screams holidays like long tables of food to fit everyone!

Kids in the kitchen. When I was a kid I remember sitting in the kitchen at my grandma's. We liked it because there seemed to be more laughing at our table than the adults. Now that I'm an adult I still feel like the table I sit at is fun with lots of laughter. Maybe it's just me. lol

After dinner we went to the park so the kids could play and burn off some energy and we could go for a walk. 

Jaime and Jocelyn. Look at her little red nose! It was pretty cold. 

I had a lot of fun with Emily. So glad she could come. 

Emma and Olivia swinging. Ok, Olivia is swinging. haha Emma is pretending to swing. What happened to the swing? Who knows. lol But glancing at the pic it looks like they're both swinging. 

Emily, Mom, John, Elizabeth...those smiles...all so happy!
I'm so thankful for my family and that we could spend the day together. 


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