Veteran's Day Assembly

 I went to watch Tyler sing in his Veteran's Day assembly. It was phenomenal. 

Tyler was so excited to carry the American Flag. He took his role very seriously. I appreciated his respect. 

This boy LOVES to sing. He's been singing the songs around the house for weeks. One of his favorites is "Fifty Nifty United States" and "American Heroes." 

I can't help but feel a swelling in my chest when each military branch song is sung and our veterans stand. When the 4th graders sung "American Tears" and my grandfather's navy picture came on the slide show I couldn't help but feel grateful as my eyes filled with tears. 

He was given a part to speak as well. 

Isn't he just the cutest! He did such a great job. 

I love my country and am blessed to live here. 


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