Last Day of School


Graduation is done, Olivia has moved away to work, Lindsey is engaged, and now the boys are done with school. Aidan's first year in high school and Tyler's last year in middle school. How can my children all be this old!? 

Aidan enjoyed high school. Didn't seem intimidated by it. I think he liked seeing Olivia occasionally at school. She was always good to him when she saw him. Sometimes, depending on the trimester, she and her friends went and sat a the same table as him. I do kinda wish I could have seen that. 

Tyler aced middled school and has the goal to do the same in high school. He's looking forward to football and all things high school. Especially marketing and anything involving being an entrepreneur. This boy is too smart for me that's for sure. 

I love my boys. Their future remains unseen but I have a feeling that they will be surprising me often. 

Now let's get to sleeping in on mornings, some lazy days, swimming, and other summer fun and vacations!


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